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Tag: social justice

Justice and the Fire of “Social Justice” (Amos 5:1-27)

from THE CHURCH UNDER FIRE sermon series . . .

In the late 1800s, a movement called the social gospel became popular.  It so emphasized social issues in society, such as poverty and health care, that it moved away from the gospel itself.  But the gospel is foremost about Christ meeting the spiritual poverty and bankruptcy of the human soul.  As Jesus teaches, “What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? (Matt.16:26a).

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Grace and the Fire of “Inequality” (Dt.9:1-12)

from The Church under Fire sermon series . . .

It’s a phrase we all struggle to hear coming from the others; yet, we generally have no problem using it when we believe we have been wronged.  It’s used all the time in the mainstream culture—in the media, politics, and workplaces.  It’s often used in an attempt to shut down disagreement and debate about various issues.  The phrase is, “It’s not fair.”

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