Grace Life Baptist Church is an elder-led church. God is our supreme authority, but He has gifted the Church with a plurality of biblically qualified men. The elder body cares for the congregation like shepherds care for sheep by feeding, caring for, and protecting them. The deacons come alongside the elders to assist them in the work of the ministry.
Jeremy Vanatta—Pastor Jeremy grew up in Watertown, TN. He is married to Sarah, and they have four children. Jeremy is a graduate of Middle Tennessee State University (B.S.) and Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary (M.Div.; Ph.D).
Since 1999, Jeremy has pastored churches in Tennessee and Mississippi. He has served as the Teaching-Pastor of Grace Life since 2011. Jeremy’s favorite hobbies include vegetable gardening, fishing, reading, and playing guitar.
Elder Training
At Grace Life, we plan to have our newest lay elder ordained into service within a few months. And we are praying the Lord would raise up several more biblically qualified men to serve in this important capacity.